Comments for Friend in denial

Denial is a Bear

by: Ned Wicker

Dear Syd,
The addict is usually the last operson in the room to admit that he/she has a problem and your friend is no exception. Hubby sounds like the enabler and in denial himself. You have to get to him and get him onboard with your concerns. He may think her drug use is harmless, or worse yet, think her drug use is none of your business.

She is not going to “cut back,” or in some magical way taper off her use. It’s a classic dodge. Somebody in that family has to see the light. Al-Anon is a good resource for you, as they can look at their situation from every possible angle. Give them a call and get their take on it. Without hubby on your side, this is going to be tough.

Friend in denial

by: Lynette


First of all, I agree with Ned’s comments.

My son has been struggling with alcoholism and drug addiction for 13 years. He is still struggling and is now in jail. He is saying now the he is giving everything over to God and is tired of that lifestyle of using, so I hope that he is sincere.

Also, I am a recovering alcoholic but I have not drank for 25 years.

I would like to suggest that you and your friends attend an Al Anon meeting (for friends of families of alcoholics and drug addicts). There you will meet others in the same or similar situation as you are. I really think that you can get some support there as well as some ideas as to what to do in your situation. Also, you could contact a drug and alcohol counselor, a clergy and a medical doctor for help.

Not to discourage you, but I have finally come to realize, through Al Anon, that if the person does not want to get help that you cannot help them. They have to walk their own walk. People told me this for many years but it took me a long time to accept it regarding my son (I have just been working on this concept for 1 1/2 years now).

I wish you the very best and I will pray for you.
Sincerely, Lynette

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