Addicted to pills, how can we help?

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Addicted to pills, how can we help?

by Lisa

We have a niece who is in her 20s and is addicted to pills, all kinds! She won’t admit there is a problem but she is now homeless stealing and we think selling herself to continue her

We have no money to speak of and are wondering where we can go to get her help???

Her mother is an alcoholic and her father is in an institution because he was taking drugs when he took a break from reality for good. So she hasn’t the best roll models but we have all tried what we know to help but we hit a brick wall.

She denies that there is any problem but she has a small child that needs her well again. Please help us in finding suitable help in our area for her that doesn’t come with a monetary price tag…!

Thank you, Aunt Lisa

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She has to WANT help

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Lisa,

There are treatment programs available that will work within the finances available, but your niece has to be willing to go. I don’t know if you’ve considered an intervention, but that may be a good first step for you in this situation.

The purpose of an intervention is to get her to understand that she as an addiction problem and to get her to agree to start treatment. If she refuses then there must be consequences that she will hopefully view as being unacceptable; like the loss of her child, jail and no further support or contact with anyone in her family.

These measures are harsh but often necessary to break the foothold that addiction has in her life.

You should not try to do an intervention without the support of an addiction specialist, because there is a lot to know about facilitating a successful outcome… your niece going to treatment.

To find the local resources you need, I recommend attending Al-anon meetings in your area. Al-anon is set up specifically to help you find the programs you need in this situation. It is also helpful for you to learn how to truly help your niece to end her addiction. Her mother should also go to Al-anon so that she can learn how to help her daughter.

Many communities also have a program called Celebrate Recovery at local churches. These are usually excellent programs and many offer free counseling support to the addict and the family.

Good Luck!


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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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