Help, don’t know what to do or where to turn?

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Help, don’t know what to do or where to turn?

by Charity

I am desperately seeking help ASAP. I have searched and been put on waiting lists for months now only to keep getting told that there is no help .. or you have to have money .. I recently spoke with a counselor for depression and was told that I am suffering severe PTSD from the trauma not just throughout my life but mostly in the past year.

I grew up in a very small town and am pretty much well known in the area …and I was head cheer leader who came from a very dysfunctional family. My mother and father both left me at a very young age with my mother’s parents who were older and did the best they could to raise me. They both passed away in my arms a year apart.

I fought through the negative life that I was raised in and rose up above what most would have expected. I have 2 kids, a son who is 24 and a daughter who is 8. My kids are my world. All of my down hill slide came quickly a year ago. I owned my own business and was attacked leaving work one evening by 3 men. In fear I decided to close my business and move back to the town I was raised in searching for what I knew as a comfort. What I knew as “Home”.

Well in the past year since I moved back searching for comfort … I only found complete distraught. I had pretty much lost my whole business, had friends stealing from me. My best friend was murdered by her husband and the man I was in love with who I also grew up with committed suicide … all in this same year.

I sent my daughter to her father’s to spend summer with him so I could regroup and within that time I started using drugs (Meth). And the downhill rapidly began. I had a brand new car that was totaled by a so called friend who borrowed it … I lost my house, my savings, and everything I had in storage. My daughter’s father now has decided to keep her so I no longer have her which has been the biggest heartache ever to me and kills my soul daily.

In 2 days I will pretty much be homeless because I can’t get to work without a car. I have done all I can to stay afloat but it’s come to an end I have reached out to so many begging for help … and those same people that reached to me and I helped have turned their backs.

I have no family left but my kids and my son is giving up but still trying to keep me positive but from afar. Please, I am pleading to someone to help put me in a rehab where I can get help with drug use and depression. If I do not get help soon I do not know where I will be… I have nothing else to lose and I am pleading for my life for just someone to help me. I am screaming for help in anyway and get none … It is the worst feeling in the world.

I do not want to go to a center here locally because everyone here knows me, but at this point I do not care I just need help and I’m really scared what will happen if I don’t get it soon. If I become homeless I am scared more trauma will push me over the edge … I do not come from my room now and I stay in tears daily miserable … Please someone help me … Help Me for My kids !!!! I can not pay I have no money and no insurance …


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Please don’t loose hope, there is help available.

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Charity,

Wow, you’ve suffered so much and I know you’re desperately trying to rebuild your life. There is hope and help for you.

I have couple of ideas for you that I hope will help you to get the support you so desperately are seeking.

First, have you tried calling Catholic Charities in your area? Often they will come to you and try to help you find the resources you need to get back on your feet. To reach Catholic Charities call your local Catholic Church and ask them to help you and they will connect you with Catholic Charities.

I also recommend that you contact the Salvation Army in your area. They have an addiction treatment program especially for people in your situation.

Finally, I recommend that you begin attending AA or NA meetings in your area TODAY! Begin going to meetings DAILY for 90 days and working the 12 steps. Working the steps will help you to reconnect with your higher power and with the help of others who have been where your at, find the right path to sobriety and freedom from your addiction that you’re seeking.

Good Luck,


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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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