Herion Addiction

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Herion Addiction

by Tiger13

(Las Vegas, NV )

I would like information on where to get addiction treatment in Las Vegas, NV for my daughter?

Her youngest son whom is 7 yrs old, at birth was born with drugs in him and taken away from her until she finished a drug treatment program for 3 months. She thinks nobody knows, but I have been watching her and know that she is injecting it now.

I don’t have any money so is there someplace I can get her help. She is 28 yrs old. I’m not even for sure what to do next, but before it goes on any longer we need her to help herself and see what its doing to her.

Thank you

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LOTS of options available for your daughter

by: Debbie Wicker

Heroin addiction is at epidemic levels is the USA and once addicted most addicts relapse during their long road to recovery. Also, research has shown that only 30% of addicts are able to stop using once they become addicted.

There are a couple of options you should consider for your daughter. The first is Teen Challenge. This is a one year free inpatient program made for teens and young adults. It would require your daughter to live there and someone would have to take care of her son while she undergoes treatment. Their phone number is (702) 314-1300 and I recommend you call them and get their advice as to next steps for your daughter.

The other option for you to consider is the Salvation Army which also offers free inpatient or outpatient treatment programs. Their number in North Las Vegas is: (702) 399-2769.

My final recommendation is that you find good local support for yourself at Al-anon meetings in your area. They will teach you about your daughter’s addiction and the dos and don’ts for helping her to get off drugs. You should go to a minimum of two meetings a week, find a sponsor and start working the steps.

You’ll be surprised about how much you can learn from this program to help your daughter and also to help yourself.

Good Luck!

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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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