How do I get my husband to come home?

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How do I get my husband to come home?

by Yvonne

(Las Vegas, NV)

My husband is a meth addict and he has been on drugs for 32 years now. He was working on a job out of town for a period of time until 2013. He got really heavy on meth while he was there and met a woman who was also a meth addict and an alcoholic. He is having an affair with her and living on the streets in her town. We found him and we are going to go look for him to try to bring him home.

How can we handle this? When he is sober he is a good father, grandpa and husband. My children and I have suffered because of his addiction throughout the years, but in my heart I know he is a good man… he just needs help. I don’t know what we are going to face when we find him.

Please help give me advice about how to talk to him and get him to come home so we can help him?

Thank you!

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He is likely in end-stage addiction.

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Yvonne,

Based on what you’ve said it sounds like your husband is in end-stage meth addiction. Meth attacks the brain and changes it in ways we don’t yet understand. Also, God makes each of us wonderfully and uniquely, so that we each respond differently when we abuse drugs.

Because your husband has been abusing drugs for so many years, his brain is likely very badly damaged. Reasoning with him will likely not be effective because he is beyond reason in his NEED of meth.

The advice I would give to you is to pray to God and the the Spirit to give you the best words to say so that your husband can hear you and becoming willing to go back home with you. I would also recommend you and your entire family begin attending Al-anon meetings immediately and working the 12 step program.

When we work the 12 steps and reconnect with our higher power, God, we learn that we cannot overcome this addiction by ourselves and that we must submit to our higher power to get the support necessary to end our addiction.

You, your husband and your entire family need to begin working the 12 steps to learn the steps necessary to help your husband to end his addiction. You all need to reconnect with God and to understand His power to help you through this catastrophic circumstance. Addiction is medically considered a disease of the brain, like Alzheimers or dementia, and if it’s left untreated it’s almost always fatal.

Prayer, joining Al-anon, and working the 12 steps is your best hope for helping your husband.


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– Matthew 7:7-8

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