How to get help with no insurance and no money?

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How to get help with no insurance and no money?

by Joe

(Charlestown, RI)

My grandson, who lives with us, is addicted to opiates; an every day user. Working only gives him more money for drugs. He is twenty-five years old and has been on and off drugs for eight years.

He has hit a new low lately, losing his girlfriend and the rest of his family wanting the drug addict out of our lives.

He has no money, but manages to get drugs. He doesn’t have insurance and is unable to apply for any government help. His behavior effects my wife, his sister who also lives with us and me.
We don’t want to kick him out on the street, and don’t know what to do to help him.

Is there someone we can speak with who can guide us? I think he is ready for a program but does not know where to turn?

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You may want to consider the Salvation Army?

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Ellen,

I agree with you that there should be rehabs available for everyone that needs it when they become willing to get help.

Have you tried the Salvation Army? They have an excellent free addiction rehab program in some locations and may be able to help you find the local resources you need to help your daughter. Their address and phone number in Connersville is:

431 Western Avenue W, Connersville, IN 47331

(765) 966-7791

Please try going in to see them to find out if they can help your daughter.

Also, going to Nar-anon meetings is something I would recommend that you continue with, twice a week if possible. When you’re there, work the 12-steps to learn as much as you can about your daughter’s addiction.

Good Luck,


Sounds Good

by: Ellen

I have been trying to get help for my addict 26 year old daughter who has no insurance/job and addicted to heroin. Every website makes it sound so easy. I have taken her to the ER, when she was detoxing and they did absolutely nothing for us or helped us find help.

I took her to rehab and paid for it myself. Getting on medicaid takes months. We need places to take addicts with no monies the minute they want help. I live in Connersville IN.

We have a new rehab place less than 20 miles with a good review. If you don’t have insurance, it’s $15,000 for a 30 day stay, half that for 15 days. I am open to any help and advice. So frustrated. And I have been to Nar-anon meetings….

Don’t give up hope, you are in a great place to get the help you need.

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear “Crying pit for help”,

So sorry that you’re feeling so desperate and I’m praying that you get the support you need quickly. Addiction attacks our brain, often making us feel completely helpless and alone in it’s grasp.

Please know that you’re not alone, many of us have been where you’re at right now, but we’ve been able to find the support needed to move forward with our lives. Hopefully, you will get the help you desperately want starting today.

The fact that you’ve reached out on this blog shows what a strong person you are, someone who has the strength to find the right help, right now. Please consider going to the emergency room at your local hospital and ask them to help you find the resources you need.

Also, consider attending an AA or NA meetings right now and ask for help finding the addiction services which meet your needs emotionally and financially.

Thankfully, you’re in the middle one of the most extensive network of addiction treatment centers in the world. Broward County is a wonderful place to find the addiction treatment support you need.

I’m confident if you go to the ER, and visit an AA or NA meeting daily, they will help you to find the services you need regardless of your financial situation.

Good luck,


Crying pit for help

by: Anonymous

I am desperately seeking help , I have no money and no insurance I live in Broward county, I’m depressed and sometimes I think I was better off dead, I have no one to turn too. It’s hard trying to find help I, wish someone would just help me, I NEED HELP, please someone hear my cry, my soul is so empty I just want helppppp! I’m so tired… I’m so tired!

Hello for uninsured …

by: Anonymous

Many counties will cover those without money jobs or health coverage. You take them there and let them know it’s a matter of life or death. They will find a bed or a way to help

Don’t give up they have medicaid thru CBH community behavioral health. Bring your grandson in and let them know he needs immediate help that no money to pay and they will help . Good Luck!

Go to your doctor

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Hurting,

Generally, in each community there is help available. If your daughter has no money she can go on Medicaide and they will pay for treatment for her. I recommend you go with her to the ER of your local hospital or to and Urgent Care clinic and have them help her with her addiction. While you’re there, work with the social workers to get her on Medicaide and immediately into treatment.

There is help available for her but you must reach out to find it.

Good Luck,



by: Anonymous

My daughter is on heroin and I have tried to help her, but she has lied to me. I don’t know a way to help her, she wants help but she had no insurance and I’m on disability. What can I do for her?

Needing help for myself!

by: Jsk Danville va

I’m a addict n need help I’ve tried everywhere but BC I don’t have insurance I’m turned away from everywhere! Is there any place that can help somebody with no insurance and no money? Desperately Seeking to get off of opiates I live in Danville Virginia need help immediately if anyone knows anything please share your info I beg of you!!

Please read the comments above.

by: Debbie Wicker

Help for your son is available, but you must get help in your community. Going to the Salvation Army and asking them for help for your son is a good place to start.

Good luck and please get help for your son as soon as you can.


by: Anonymous

My name is Juliana and my son’s name is Romero. I do know that he is on drugs, but I don’t have the money to help him or insurance to pay for the treatment? Thank you for your help!

my sister in law

by: Anonymous

Whatever you decide to do people, do it quickly! We buried my sister-in-law last week, 51 years young to heroin.

Affordable treatment without insurance

by: Anonymous

I’m not sure where you live but I was in a similar situation as your grandson and found online a place called behavior health services.

If you google that + methadone treatment you should be able to find a location near you as they are all over the country. They have VERY affordable outpatient methadone/suboxone treatment $50 a week (which is less than less addicts spend on drugs) which includes counseling if he wants it.

The program has done WONDERS for me and kept me clean for several months now on my road to recovery. Hopefully they can do the same for him.

Good luck to you’re family.

Some of the BEST addiction treatment is free!

by: Debbie Wicker

Your grandson has a VERY serious problem that if left untreated is likely to be fatal. Based on recent research 70% of opiate addicts don’t recover from their disease. The odds are against him but if he becomes willing to get help, there is help available.

The first thing that I would recommend is that you and your family begin attending Al-anon meetings in your area. I usually recommend two a week to start. Find meeting where they work the 12-Step program and begin to work the steps.

These meetings will educate you about your grandson’s problem and also connect you will people who will know the local resources available for your son.

Once you start attending meetings OFTEN he will be willing to attend meetings too. He needs to start working the 12-steps, it is free and the most useful and successful treatment available for an addict. He can start the steps while he is still using and then get support to find other free treatment programs in his area.

Teen Challenge and The Salvation Army both have EXCELLENT programs, both in-patient and out-patient, that are free.

The sooner you start to attend Al-anon meeting regularly, the sooner that your son will get the help and support he needs to kick this most terrible addiction.

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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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