How to deal with a drug addict?

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How to deal with a drug addict?

by Donna


My son is a drug addict, his drug of choice is heroin. He became a father last year and I was hoping and praying that this child would turn his life around but he has gotten worse.

He lies and steals from his own family and therefore no one will take him in. He is currently living on the streets. I just cannot understand what or when his rock bottom is or will be. We have taken this “tough love” approach but now that he is living on the streets, I am afraid that he will overdose now. But at the same time I know that unless he wants to help himself there is nothing anyone can do.

He recently did a 30 day drug program and was then sent to a halfway house. He was only there a week and the house is infested with bed bugs. He then tried to contact the “house manager” of the halfway house and health department, but they kicked him out. He spent 2 days in the hospital for the bed bugs and not being able to see his daughter and the baby’s mom harassing him for money just sent him off the deep end and he used again!

Does anyone know if we do a family intervention where there is a place we can get him into for drug help. He has no insurance. I am at a total loss at this point. Please help……

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Many resources available in Florida.

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Donna,

Your story is so sad on so many levels, for you, for your son and now for his baby. Heroin addiction attacks the brain and reconfigures it, chemically, and changes the addict into literally a different person.

The fact that your son went into a drug program for a little bit of time is a great sign that he does want to quit but the drug has such a huge grip on him that will be difficult to break.

The statistics are horrific, because 30% of heroin addicts recover from their addiction, but for the remainder it’s a fatal disease. You need support and resources to help your son.

Please consider attending Al-anon meetings three times a week starting today if possible. There are many, many great addiction treatment centers in Florida and often they host Al-anon meetings. Search Al-anon meetings in your area for times and locations.

These meetings will be an excellent place for you to start working the 12 steps just as your son needs to do. Once you start working the steps and find a sponsor (preferably who has helped their child to end a heroin addiction), they will help you to seek out and find the resources you need to help your son.

Also, treatment centers often have interventionists that will help get your son into treatment. Keep contacting treatment centers until you find one that will help you to help your son.

I would also highly recommend the Salvation Army treatment program and/or Teen Challenge, both are free programs and have had wonderful results.

There is always hope and once you begin working the 12 steps at Al-anon I believe your options to help your son will become much clearer to you. Your goal for your son is to get him to start working the 12 step program, just as you are doing, so that together you can move him past his addiction and into recovery.


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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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