International Christian Recovery Coalition News

by Dick B

(Kihei, Hawaii )

We announced that, on January 1, 2011, International Christian Recovery Coalition would launch the establishment of Christian Recovery Resource Centers – Worldwide.

Three days later, we announced that three resource centers had been established–Manna House Ministries in Jamestown, Tennessee; New Life Spirit Recovery, Inc. in Huntington Beach, California; and Rock Recovery Ministries–ABC Sober Living–Soledad House, in San Diego, California.

We expect have a Christian Recovery Resource Center up and running on Maui, Hawaii shortly; and we believe we will have one up and running in Honolulu, Hawaii, at the beginning of March.

Our next accomplishment was to get informative websites established for the International Christian Recovery Coalition, and we have done that. See And for the Christian Recovery Resource Centers- Worldwide. See

We have also been blessed to have two volunteer helpers at the Coalition headquarters on Maui within the next couple of weeks. One is a skilled
Christian therapist who has just located on Maui. There other is a long-time community resource volunteer who will help spread the word among all the Maui recovery need areas. These pilot programs will be a model for the others that follow and want examples to study.

We invite you to see the sparkling new logos on our two website pages. You can plug into the International Christian Recovery site by clicking into

You can plug into the Christian Recovery Resource Center page by clicking into

We repeat the following invitations:

If you are a Christian leader or worker in recovery and agree with the mission statement of International Christian Recovery Coalition, you may join without charge by simply sending us your name, your ministry (if any), and your city and state. You may then use the logo on, and help spread the word.

If you wish to become a Christian Recovery Resource Center, the details and complete information and instructions for joining us can be found on that website through

You can quickly hook up to our projects and become a part of them by checking the following websites: Freedom Ranch Maui, Incorporated (; International Christian Recovery Coalition (; and Christian Recovery Resource Centers-Worldwide (

The international movement toward Christian recovery programs, counseling, fellowships, sober living, and community resources is on the march. And please feel free to phone or email Dick B. by using the contact information on

In His Service, Dick B., Executive Director, Kihei, Maui, Hawaii

Check Christian Recovery Resource Centers – Worldwide

And contact Dick B. for further details if you like.

In His Service,

Dick B.

Author, 42 titles & over 500 articles on A.A. History Exec. Dir., International Christian Recovery Coalition Chistian Recovery Resource Centers – Worldwide

[email protected]

(808) 874-4876

PO Box 837, Kihei, HI 96753-0837

The Fruits of Free Book Distribution 2011

by: Dick B.

Beginning January 1st, International Christian Recovery Coalition began giving away free some 350 cases of new Dick B. A.A. history books. By March 31, almost all had been shipped from Maui all over the world. The purposes, among others, were to enable recipients to distribute the books free to those who would be blessed to learn more about the Christian and biblical roots of the Christian Recovery movement now in progress. And today, I received the following typical thank you note by email:

“I hope your anniversary celebrations yesterday were filled with joy and happiness.

I gave away 6 copies of “Why Early AA Succeeded” yesterday. Each time, I told the person that it was your 25th anniversary. Every one expressed interest in learning about early AA history and it’s Christian and Biblical roots.

God Bless You Dick.

I never had a better time giving stuff away than I did yesterday.

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