Meeting to understand how to support family members

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Meeting to understand how to support family members

by Renee

(Cerritos, CA)

I would like to attend a drug abuse meeting to understand and how to support family members that are drug abuser…I live in Cerritos, is there one in my area?

Please let me know…

Thank you

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Many, many Al-anon meetings to choose from.

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Renee,

Your area is a great area to find lots of Al-anon meetings. Al-anon will help you to learn how to help your family with their addiction issues but to avoid enabling their addictions in any way. Put another way, you will learn how to love the addict but to hate their addiction.

I’d recommend that you go to at least two meetings a week until your family has moved past their addiction. At the meetings, work the 12 steps and find a sponsor who has a similar circumstance to yours.

Once you’re settled in meetings and going are going regularly, invite your other family members to go with you and try to get those who are addicted to start working the steps.

Here is a website that lists many of the Al-anon meetings in Cerritos:

Good Luck,


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– Matthew 7:7-8

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