Narcotics Use Facts

Narcotics Use Facts

Narcotics Use Facts

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Narcotics Use Facts

FACT: According to Webster’s dictionary, narcotics are:

1: a drug (as opium or morphine) that in moderate doses dulls the senses, relieves pain, and induces profound sleep but in excessive doses causes stupor, coma, or convulsions, b : a drug (as marijuana or LSD) subject to restriction similar to that of addictive narcotics whether physiologically addictive and narcotic or not ;

2: something that soothes, relieves, or lulls.

FACT: Using Webster’s definition, we can argue that drugs that are abused are in effect “narcotic” because they are used for something other than their intended purpose, or at the very least overused to the point where use of the drug creates serious health problems, addiction, or even death.

FACT: Narcotic is derived from the Greek narkotikos, which means “numbing” or “deadening.”

FACT: Narcotics are commonly classified into three groups according to their origin:Natural derivatives of opium: Narcotics in this group include morphine itself and codeine. Partially synthetic drugs derived from morphine, including heroin, oxycodone (OxyContin), hydromorphone (Dilaudid), and oxymorphone (Numorphan). Synthetic compounds that resemble morphine in their chemical structure, such as fentanyl (Duragesic), levorphanol (Levo-Dromoran), meperidine (Demerol), methadone, and propoxyphene (Darvon).

FACT: Narcotics taken in many different ways. Abusers will inhale it or inject it to get the maximum “rush,” but it can also be chewed or snorted. Fentanyl is used byt applying a patch directly to the skin.

FACT: A narcotic is an addictive depressant drug (such as opium and derivatives such as morphine) that in moderate doses works on the central nervous system, dulling senses, relieves pain, these are the Narcotics Use Facts that make people abuse them. Narcotics can be used to put someone to sleep. When abused and misused, narcotics can cause causes stupor, convulsions, or coma. These Narcotics Use Facts should not be avoided.

Drugs like LSD or marijuana, subject to similar legal restrictions are also sometimes referred to as narcotics.

FACT: In a stricter sense, Narcotics are opiates manufactured from the Asian opium poppy plant. The opium poppy plant produces two natural alkaloids, codeine and morphine. These are manufactured into drugs for medical purposes and are available only by prescription. Narcotic drugs are heavily restricted by the government.

FACT: Narcotic analgesics (pain reducers) which work by depressing the central nervous system and can also depress the respiratory system; include the opiates and synthetic opiates: codeine, heroin, morphine, opium, percodan, darvon, talwin, dilaudid, methadone and demerol. These are the Narcotics Use Facts to be aware of.

FACT: Narcotics are addictive, either psychologically or physically. Addiction is when a person cannot stop using the drug.

FACT: People will use narcotics for non-medical purposes because the drug, when smoke, inhaled or injected will produce an intense “high” or “rush” and a feeling of euphoria.

FACT: Narcotic use can lead to addiction, MANY health problems and if untreated death.

FACT: Among the health issues for narcotic users include high blood pressure, respiratory distress, cardiac arrest. Narcotics will decrease responsiveness, cause drowsiness, insensitivity to pain by slowing down the central nervous system.

FACT: Narcotic abusers often experience withdrawal after going off th drug. Withdrawal is characterized by sleeplessness, muscle and bone pain, involuntary muscle movement, like a kicking leg,. Another of these Narcotics Use Facts are that narcotic users whose use has turned into addiction, may experience unpleasant withdrawal symptoms, but medically supervised detoxification can help ease that process.

FACT: In America, over 23,000,000 people ages 12 and older need treatment for narcotic drug use (including alcohol), that’s nearly 10% of the population of the United States!FACT: Of the 23 million plus who need treatment, only about 11% have any clue they need treatment.

FACT: 25% of the prison population is in for drug offenses.

FACT: Of the 4.3 million people in treatment, 800,700 are African American and 859,100 are Hispanic. A higher percentage of African-Americans and Hispanics enter treatment than do whites.

Beyond Addiction: Self-Destructive Patterns

by Dee 

How do you get the energy to combat an old pattern in your
addiction recovery? It is helpful to write out or sit meditatively and
ask yourself where the former pattern takes you and how you feel
afterward. How do you feel after having a few chocolate bars or calling
someone back to scream at them? Compare that to how you feel after
taking a run, doing some journal writing or something that increases
your energy and awareness.

A very important factor for
addiction recovery is being able to have tools for dealing with
difficult situations, rather than going into an escape route such as
taking drugs. Initially it is hard to use new tools rather than old
habits but as time goes on, the old habits appear to offer no solution
and the new tools give one a sense of accomplishment and enrichment.

is similar to the feeling one might have where someone might have
chosen to jog for 20 minutes for relief instead of running out to buy
chocolate and ice cream to deal with an argument they just had with

Drug or alcohol abuse is something that will appear
in one’s mind in challenging moments to offer a relief, but is this
relief more like scratching a mosquito bite? You get a momentary relief
but you aggravate the initial problem. Motivation is very important to
keep going and trying to put the two routes you can take in front of you
is helpful for making healthy choices for recovering from an addiction.

Often not long-term solutions

about the unhelpfulness of scratching a mosquito bite can help to
outline what solutions appear to the mind during stress that really are
not long term solutions. Our bodies want to heal and our emotions and
spiritual sides want wholeness.

Thinking about what solutions
are truly helpful versus only provide momentary relief can help you take
the right fork in the road in trying moments while in the addiction
recovery process. Reading the journeys of others who have overcome their
own addictive patterns is also very helpful for inspiration and

Though we know that people relapse, there are many
true accounts of those who have crossed the bridge to the other side.
Their courage and stories are a wonderful support and useful for a true
turning point.

That completes our look Narcotics Use Facts please visit our home page for more information.

and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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