Peoria/ Glendale Az

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Peoria/ Glendale Az

by Cina & Bob Nelson

(Peoria/Glendale Az. USA)

My husband and I are senior ( 72 & 70 ) parents of a 53 year old son who has been a drug abuser since his teens. We are at our wits end as to where to turn now. We have tried what we feel is,,,, all that is humanly possible,,,and we have only a few years left.

Current experiences have just pushed us over the edge. We are on a very low fixed income, but desperate for guidance. I keep seeing Al-anon as alcohol abuse, where can we find help with drug abuse meetings.

Thank you for any help
Bob & Cina Nelson

Comments for Peoria/ Glendale Az

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You may want to try Nar-anon.

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Cina,

So very sorry that you’ve been struggling with your son’s drug addiction for than 25 years. It’s difficult for me to fathom everything you have been through and how TOTALLY frustrated you are by the situation.

Al-anon and working the 12 steps can help us to set boundaries and, if necessary, detach from our loved one so that we avoid any enablement of their addiction.

There is also a group called Nar-anon, which is similar to Al-anon but associated with Narcotics Anonymous that is specifically for drug addiction. They also use the 12 step process to help us to understand ourselves and learn to be able to take the necessary steps to help our loved one but also realize that they are making their own choices.

Nar-anon meetings are free, confidential and you’re not required to say anything until you feel comfortable within the group. I highly encourage you to begin attending meetings and to begin working the steps.

Here are some local Nar-anon meetings in your area.

Dear Just For Today

8340 West Glendale Avenue

Glendale, AZ 85305

Group ID 148-014

Type Nar-Anon

Location Name Harvest Church

Day Thursday

Time 7:00-8:30pm

Language English


Status Active

Healthy Habits

8724 N 35th Ave.

Phoenix, Arizona 85051

Group ID 146-014

Type Nar-Anon

Location Name KTIZO Church

Day Monday

Time 7:00pm

Language English

Notes **NO MEETING on Monday, July 4th**

Status Active

Good luck,


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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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