Smoking Meth?

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Smoking Meth?

by Lee

I’m a heavy meth smoker and have been smoking meth for 10+ years, I am prostituting my body for Meth money…

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Who is Stronger

by: Ned Wicker

Dear Lee,
If I read between the line correctly, you want your life to change, you’re tired of being addicted to meth and you want this to come to an end, but you just don’t know how.

Maybe you don’t have any money and you can’t afford treatment, which is the most likely scenario, given that you have had to resort to a dangerous lifestyle just to support your habit.

There is hope. Naturally if you can get some treatment, and I would encourage you to seek out a free clinic or try to find social services that can help, that is the best way to go. But in the absence of treatment, there are daily meetings of addicts who have had to fight off the same disease and try to get their lives back together.

Narcotics Anonymous/Alcoholics Anonymous are organizations that understand addiction and have a support team to help you make it through. They will have ideas on how to help, so I encourage you to seek them out and allow them to guide you, help you and give you the emotional support you need.

Your health and well being are very important, so please make the step in their direction. God knows your needs and He will see you through.

I feel you

by: Kimberly

Not in the sense that I know your exact pain, but rather have a sliver of trust you are not alone, I promise this.

Meth is a tough one, as was my crack and heroin addiction for 24 years daily.

We are addicts-not bad people trying to do good, but very sick people trying to find our way to get better.

Please know this is only my story, everyone is different.

I turned to dealing until I was raped the third time given I was an easy target asking for hand outs and being so weak.

Lee, there’s so much I want to say and take your pain away. If you want or are interested, I just published a book titled, my life as a white, female drug dealer. However the story is much deeper and yes it’s mine.

The truth is we stop when we are ready. Nothing can alter that. Some resources can help that but unless we are ready, they’re just ramblings.

I could give you tons of advice but I only say these two wishes for you-first that you will begin to see you are not alone and secondly you took a huge step today writing in like this and I am so glad. Baby steps remember. You do have to stay safe-1st priority.

Sorry I am rambling but back to my book, if you have a computer and trust me with your email address and first name, lee is fine, I will forward a free one to you and you may at least relate to the stages of this fatal disease.

I can be reached directly at [email protected], I am kimberly gray.

Please reach out more fuck you already made the biggest step of all here.

If I don’t here from you please remember another junkie said hold on and don’t give up.

It’s worth it



by: lenny Harner

I came across an iphone and ipad app that uses alternatives to AA & NA to help with sobriety. It is called AVERT ( addictive voice emergency training), it is worth checking out. It uses SMART and Rational recovery ideas. I thought it may help your readers.

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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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