Substance Addiction Facts

Substance Addiction FactsHere are some facts that may surprise or sadden you about Substance Addiction. As with most issues about addiction, there is much that is unexpected; the costs or much higher than expected and the causes are very sad.That fact that child abuse is such a strong predictor of abuse speaks volumes about the problem. See what you think:

Substance Addiction Facts 1:Substance Addiction and Substance Addiction, according to the National Institute of Health, impacts all Americans, because we all pay the cost for it. Substance Addiction Facts 2:Statistics show that Drug-Addiction and Substance Addiction cost Americans over $484 billion annually. This figure includes healthcare costs (and abuses of that system), lost job wages, traffic accidents, crime and the associated criminal justice system costs.Substance Addiction Facts 3:According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, approximately 10 to 22 percent of car crashes involved drivers who have been using drugs.Substance Addiction Facts 4:Drug use and addiction is linked to at least half of the major crimes in this country, as at least half of the suspects arrested for violent crimes, such as homicide and assault, were under the influence of drugs when they were arrested.Addiction Facts 5:Stress is a major factor in drug use and abuse. Substance Addiction Final Fact 6:Sadly, nearly two-thirds of people in Substance Addiction treatment report that they were physically or sexually abused as children. Child abuse is a major contributing factor to Substance Addiction.

For more information about the difference between:Definition of Substance Addiction vs. Substance Addiction click here

Substance Addiction FactsHere are some facts that may surprise or sadden you about Substance Addiction. As with most issues about addiction, there is much that is unexpected; the costs or much higher than expected and the causes are very sad. That fact that child abuse is such a strong predictor of abuse speaks volumes about the problem. See what you think:

Substance Addiction Facts 1:

Substance Addiction and Substance Addiction, according to the National Institute of Health, impacts all Americans, because we all pay the cost for it. Substance Addiction Facts 2:Statistics show that Substance Addiction and Substance Addiction cost Americans over $484 billion annually. This figure includes healthcare costs (and abuses of that system), lost job wages, traffic accidents, crime and the associated criminal justice system costs.Substance Addiction Facts 3:According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, approximately 10 to 22 percent of car crashes involved drivers who have been using drugs.Substance Addiction Facts 4:Drug use and addiction is linked to at least half of the major crimes in this country, as at least half of the suspects arrested for violent crimes, such as homicide and assault, were under the influence of drugs when they were arrested.Substance Addiction Facts 5:Stress is a major factor in drug use and abuse. Substance Addiction Final Fact 6:Sadly, nearly two-thirds of people in Substance Addiction treatment report that they were physically or sexually abused as children. Child abuse is a major contributing factor to Substance Addiction.

More Facts on Substance AddictionHere are some statistics from the U.S. Department of Health and Family Services concerning Substance Addiction and addiction: — In 2006, an estimated 20.4 million Americans aged 12 or older were current (past month) illicit drug users, meaning they had used an illicit drug during the month prior to the survey interview. This estimate represents 8.3 percent of the population aged 12 years old or older. Illicit drugs include marijuana/hashish, cocaine (including crack), heroin, hallucinogens, inhalants, or prescription-type psychotherapeutics used non-medically. — In 2006, there were 2.4 million current cocaine users aged 12 or older, which was the same as in 2005 but greater than in 2002 when the number was 2.0 million. However, the rate of current cocaine use remained stable between 2002 and 2006. — Hallucinogens were used in the past month by 1.0 million persons aged 12 or older in 2006, including 528,000 who had used Ecstasy. These estimates are similar to the corresponding estimates for 2005. — There were 7.0 million persons aged 12 or older who used prescription-type psychotherapeutic drugs non-medically in the past month. Of these, 5.2 million used pain relievers, an increase from 4.7 million in 2005. — In 2006, there were an estimated 731,000 current users of methamphetamine aged 12 or older. — Among youths aged 12 to 17, current illicit drug use rates remained stable from 2005 to 2006. However, youth rates declined significantly between 2002 and 2006 for illicit drugs in general and for several specific drugs, including marijuana, hallucinogens, LSD, Ecstasy, prescription-type drugs used non-medically, pain relievers, tranquilizers, and the use of illicit drugs other than marijuana. — The rate of current marijuana use among youths aged 12 to 17 declined from 8.2 percent in 2002 to 6.7 percent in 2006. — Among persons aged 12 or older who used pain relievers non-medically in the past 12 months, 55.7 percent reported that the source of the drug the most recent time they used was from a friend or relative for free. — In 2006, there were 10.2 million persons aged 12 or older who reported driving under the influence of illicit drugs during the past year.
More Substance Addiction FactsFor more information on Substance Addiction please go to:Substance Addiction facts at





Read these five pages and learn what you need to know to spot Substance Addiction in: Yourself… Your Family… Your Friends… Your Community…The rest of the pages are there for your reference to explain important topics in more detail.

Finally don’t miss the Spiritual and 12-step sections to fully explore how understanding THE SPIRIT can lead to recovery!

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