Symptoms of Oxycodone Abuse

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Symptoms of Oxycodone Abuse

by Karen

What are the symptoms when someone is using the pain pills – oxycodone?

I need to know what to look for if my child is taking pain medication like oxycotton.

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Symptoms may start with subtle changes

by: Debbie Wicker

OxyContin is an opiate so the abuse symptoms are similar to those of any other opiate. Usually the person starts out abusing the drug and then over time needs more and more of the drug and ultimately becomes addicted to it.

Here are some signs to look for:

The person…

– Can’t just stop, or fails to stop using the drug

– Thinks the drug is the answer to their problems

– Uses more and more frequently

– Uses resources to make sure there is drug on hand

– Spends too much money on their drug of choice, money they don’t have

– If they don’t have money, they’ll beg, borrow and steal to get it for drugs

– The drug becomes the focal point of daily life

– Drives under the influence of the drug

– Stops caring about their appearance

– Become listless all of the time

– Weight loss

– Eyes become lifeless

– Some other negative change in their appearance

– Become secretive and guarded

– Asks for money, and when asked why they need money they refuse to answer, or become indignant

– Sleep too much, or stay awake all night

– Steal money, family possessions

I hope this helps you to decide whether or not your child is using drugs. You can also take them to a doctor and have a drug test performed to know for sure.

More Information

by: Debbie Wicker

Here are the top 20 questions you should ask to decide if your child is abusing drugs:

Here are the top 20 questions to assess drug addiction symptoms

1. Has their appearance changed; they don’t care how they look?

2. Are they eating properly?

3. Have they lost weight, or have they gained weight?

4. Have you seen needle marks on their arms or legs?

5. Are they slowing down?

6. Do they have the shakes?

7. Are their hands cold and sweaty?

8. Have you smelled something on their breath, or their clothing?

9. Do their eyes appear red?

10. Are their pupils dilated?

11. Is their face puffy?

12. Has their coloring changed, become flushed or pale?

13. Do they have a blank stare?

14. Has their physical coordination changed? Are they staggering?

15. Have they missed a lot of school, or work?

16. Have their sleep habits changed? Are they always tired?

17. Have they become lazy?

18. Are they hyper?

19. Do they talk a million miles an hour? Do they slur their words?

20. Have you seen drug paraphernalia?

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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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Four new addiction classes:

– Addiction 101, a FREE 60 minute course introducing key substance addiction recovery concepts. This seminar examines many aspects of drug addiction, including symptoms and treatment. It also introduces the Stages-of-Change as a building for recovery.  It will be held on Monday November, 6 at 6:00pm central-time.

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– Intervention, introduces you to Change-Talk as an alternative to “tough-love”. Change-Talk is a method, which you can learn, to get an addict (including yourself) to move away from addiction and toward recovery.  This is a 2-hour class that meets Thursday November 9, at 10:00 am central-time at a cost of

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Change-Talk, is a building-block for addiction recovery. This course
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Effective Conversations, explains how to use conversation to connect for recovery. Reflective listening and change-focused conversations often facilitate positive change and addiction recovery. This is a 2-hour class that will meet on Thursday, October 19 at 10:00 am central-time, at a cost of $10.

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