What is the treatment for meth addiction and is there help for those without funds?

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What is the treatment for meth addiction and is there help for those without funds?

(Carmichael, CA)

Adult family member wishes to enter a meth treatment program but does not have any means of paying at this time. What is the treatment for meth addiction?

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by: Debbie Wicker

Meth addiction treatment usually involves three main processes. First the person must stop using and detox from the drug. Each person is different so this usually takes between two weeks to a month to get the drug ENTIRELY out of the system.

Medical support is helpful to try to manage the negative effects of withdrawal. During the process of detox, addiction treatment can begin.

The treatment should involve a psychological assessment of the addict to determine what other co-occurring mental health issues may be present and in need of treatment. The most common one is depression.

Other treatments may also be helpful like counseling/talk therapy, mindfulness exercises, nutritional evaluation, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and many other options based on the assessed needs of the addict.

Last but not least the addict needs to go into a 12 step program and begin working the steps. AA or NA are free group meetings and are an excellent place for the addict to start.

Every addict I know who has successfully recovered from meth addiction has been an ACTIVE participant in a 12 step program.

Also, the people at the meetings will know what free services are available in your local area to get the addict the help and support they need to end this terrible disease.

The addict needs to go to a meeting everyday for 90 days and LEARN how to change their life and how not to use meth. They also need to find a sponsor of the same gender who has successful ended their addiction.

The steps will absolutely work if you work them. Good Luck!

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– Matthew 7:7-8

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