What will happen when they bust my husband with drugs?

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What will happen when they bust my husband with drugs?

by Barbara

I left my drug addict husband. We’re in the midst of divorce. My old neighbor to me they raided our old home, which we had together, looking for him to bust him with prescription drugs, Norco, Methadone Oxy etc.

What’s going to happen when they find him?

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He is likely to go to jail.

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Barbara,

So very sorry that your husband is drug addicted. Addiction is a disease of the brain that takes over the addict’s personality. It turns them into a different person capable of doing ANYTHING to get the drug that their brain convinces them they NEED.

If and when the police find him, (there are so many addicts that the police may not continue to search for him) and they have an arrest warrant for him, then they will take him to jail and book him on drug charges.

Once he is booked he will stay in jail until he is arraigned (usually within 24-48 hours) at which time they will set a bail amount for him. He can then get out on bail if he has the money, if not he will stay in jail until he gets bailed out or goes to trial.

Then comes the preliminary hearing where he will plead guilty or not guilty, that’s usually about a month or two after his arraignment. That’s when the trial date will be set, usually three or four months later.

If he is found guilty, then he will be sentenced, often he will be given probation if this is his first conviction. If, however, this is not his first conviction or he is found guilty of a more serious offense like drug dealing or having a drug house, then he will go to prison.

The process takes a long time to play out and usually the addict is out on bail during this time. Also, he will likely be drug tested weekly while he is out on bail and if he fails the test he will be put in jail with no bail until his trial.

I say usually because each jurisdiction if different and may have a slightly different process for everything I’ve said.

I recommend you begin attending Al-anon meetings for support as you work through this difficult process.

Hope this answered your question,


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– Matthew 7:7-8

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