Alcohol treatment

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Alcohol treatment

by Raghvendra

(Chennai, Tamilnadu, India)

How to treat a person who drinks alcohol like water every day every hour??

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Get them to read AA’s “The Big Book”!

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Raghvendra,

Alcohol addiction is a disease of the brain. The need for alcohol CONSUMES the addict and they want nothing else and won’t listen to anyone who tries to tell them otherwise.

The more alcohol they drink the more alcohol they want. If they continue to drink, alcoholism often becomes a fatal disease. They die from car accidents, suicide or other health issues that alcohol causes. Because alcohol is a drug that is consumed by drinking it, the entire digestive system is compromised and that’s where many of the health problems begin to occur.

The alcoholic looses the ability (because of the changes in their brain) to understand that alcohol is KILLING them! That’s why alcoholism treatment is so difficult.

The alcoholic has to somehow OVERRIDE what their brain is telling them and realize that they have a VERY serious disease that NEEDS treatment.

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) put out a book that describes alcoholism and treatment called the “Big Book”. It is available for free on the internet at this web address:

Download and print this book and TRY to get your friend to read it and understand that they MUST quit drinking. That alcohol is a poison that will kill them.

Also, try to find an AA meeting near you. Here is a listing of all of the AA meetings in India:

Once your friend admits they have a problem and that alcohol is controlling their life they need to go to a doctor and get help to detoxify from the alcohol and if possible got to an addiction treatment center for more treatment.

Good Luck with this VERY difficult and challenging problem,


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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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