Can someone become addicted to video games?

Can someone become addicted to video games?

by Debbie

Do you believe that video games can be an addiction? My 26 yo son plays World of Warcraft anywhere from 3-6 hours most days. He’s on unemployment now and has been in and out of a job for a few years now.

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Many believe video games can be addictive

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Debbie,

There is currently a lot of research that shows humans can become addicted to almost anything. Work, drugs, food, sugar, sex, alcohol, cats, and video games.

Addiction is a disease of the brain which causes the addict to want more and more of the “drug of choice” i.e. video games because that’s what is giving the brain the stimulus it is seeking. With addiction, the brain develops a tolerance such that to receive the same stimulus you have to play more and more of the game. Not unlike a heroin addict requiring more and more heroin to get the same “high”.

I would recommend you take your son to the doctor and try to find a treatment program to help him. Individual counseling should help with particular attention on depression as a co-occurring issue with his addiction.

You may also want to begin attending Al-anon meetings to learn about addiction. You could be enabling his addiction without being aware of it and, like any addiction, he must admit he has a problem before he can receive help.

Good Luck,


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