Can’t afford rehab center?

by Daisy

(North Carolina)

My sister is addicted to drugs of all kinds. She has been since I can remember. She is 39 years old.

With 4 children and only has custody of one. She has been to drug counseling. She is very angry and refuses to believe that anyone loves her.

I would like to convince her to go to a real rehabilitation center but I can’t afford it. I hate that her life is being controlled by her need to get high. I want her healthy.

Is there an affordable way to do this?

Help for Her, Help for You

by: Ned Wicker

Dear Daisy,

Our healthcare system doesn’t offer much for anyone without insurance, but there are ways of getting the maximum bang for the buck, if your sister will allow it.

For starters, I want you to call Al-Anon and allow them to help you. You need to be supported and educated as well.

Secondly, you can check out free clinics to see if they have an arrangement for patients to go through detoxification. Many centers have reciprocal agreements. Your sister can attend AA and NA meetings, and believe me, these people have some good answers and can probably help.

County social services might have some answers for you. This is your sister’s problem, so a lot falls on her shoulders to be willing to get the help that is out there.

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