Feel high but haven’t smoked in weeks

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Feel high but haven’t smoked in weeks

by Joe

(New York)

I haven’t smoked in about 2 weeks and randomly throughout the day I feel like I do when I’m high, this has been happening since I stopped smoking. Is this withdrawal symptoms or is something really wrong with my body please help because it is making me scared.

Comments for Feel high but haven’t smoked in weeks

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Probably a normal part of withdrawal.

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Joe,

When you smoke a drug, it changes your brain and that’s why you get high. When you smoke regularly, the brain has to adapt so, it changes more and the changes become semi-permanent. That’s why drug and alcohol addictions are considered by doctors to be a disease of the brain.

When you stop smoking, it takes a while for your brain to change back. That’s why many people experience the effects of being “high” long after they’ve quit using. That’s also why, if an addict uses even a little bit years after they’ve quit, the brain reverts back to how it was when they were using all of the time and they are fully addicted as if they had never quit.

Addiction is such a challenging disease to treat because of how it effects the brain. I’d recommend you go to a doctor and describe your symptoms to them so that you can get the medical support you need to continue your sobriety.

Good Luck,


Hang in there Joe from N.Y.

by: Anonymous

Dear Joe. I totally agree with Debbie’s comments. From my own experience with drugs I can share the following. Our brain has become accustomed to the drug of choice and our addiction is out to get us. We can experience these sensations and react by using. Thank God your reaching out for help. See a doctor was suggested. And perhaps begin to attend support meetings. There is a lot help out there. Let us know if u need any help and how your doing. Stay positive. T

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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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