Friend doesn’t think ice is bad for them?

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Friend doesn’t think ice is bad for them?

by Peter

Someone I know doesn’t think that smoking ice everyday is a problem. Also, they’re always angry and really don’t think they’re lying when they are, and think everyone’s out to get them?

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Ice is methamphetamine and smoking it is a HUGE problem.

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Peter,

Ice is methamphetamine and smoking it is a HUGE problem. Meth is a highly addictive very destructive drug and causes major mental and physical heath problems.

Anger and lying often accompanying meth addiction because smoking meth changes the brain in very negative ways and can even cause the person to become psychotic and delusional.

Please advise your friend that they need help ASAP and that smoking meth daily is likely to completely destroy their health and can be fatal.

You also should get help for yourself. Al-anon meetings are a great place to go to get information on addiction. Al-anon is set up to teach us about addiction and also helps us to find the resources we need to help someone to stop using such a dangerous and destructive drug.

Good Luck,


Friend doesn’t think ice is bad for them…

by: Jerry

I am a meth addict. I started using meth when I was 18 and by the time I was 20 I was shooting it. All thru my life I’ve used meth. I’ve moved on to other drugs but always return to meth.

Meth is very hard on your body and brain. The long term affects are your teeth rotting out, you loose to much weight because the meth literally is eating holes in your brain and killing cells you will never get back. Not to mention the legal issues that come with it and sooner or later they will come, trust me I’m dealing with it now.

I’m on a GPS monitor with a five year prison sentence hanging over me. You also will eventually loose your family too. So you tell your friend that meth will slowly kill you from the inside out, or it can kill you with one hit.


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– Matthew 7:7-8

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