How to keep opiate addicted spouse from visiting opiate addicted spouse that is getting rehab
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How to keep opiate addicted spouse from visiting opiate addicted spouse that is getting rehab
by Sandra
Our daughter is still in ICU and has been for 3 weeks. Multi-system failure and in the beginning we were given no hope from doctor that she would live. We were totally shocked about the addition and she did not show signs of drug use and doesn’t look like she would use drugs.
3 weeks later we now have hope of her survival and her addicted husband wants to come to the hospital daily and see her. We now know he is a user but he will not seek help. We have talked with his family and they feel that he should visit and they should support each other.
We have tried to explain to them that the husband is not seeking help and we do not want the wife to be subjected to him daily. They have no place to live as they moved in with the us (wife’s parents) 6 weeks prior to her system crash.
He had lost his job but we were told he had an accident at work and broke an expensive piece of equipment. He is her husband but they are toxic for each other. Thank God there are no children involved.
Any suggestions to keep him away until he recognizes he has a drug problem and gets rehab and a place to live and can prove he can support and take care of our daughter?
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– Matthew 7:7-8
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