I’ve never done heroin ,

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I’ve never done heroin ,

by Bethany

(Albuquerque New Mexico USA)

I’ve seen people on it, but I’ve never touched it. My husband use to do it. My sister lives in Mesa Arizona, she’s on heroin. My mother tells me my sister shots up every vein in her body, she has bruises all over her body. The worst part is, she doesn’t want help. She told my mom that she ‘ LOVES THE DRUG LIFE ‘ & won’t give it up. She’s been on it for about 6/7 months.

I know you can easily die from it, so how much longer can it take to overdoes? Don’t get me wrong I don’t like thinking negatively about her, but one thing I can’t get over is why she started doing it?

I keep having these bad dreams about her, & I’ll wake up and call her, she doesn’t answer. I just need some advice, cuss I don’t wanna keep hurting, if I’m praying to the Lord for her!!

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Your entire family needs support!

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Bethany,

Based on this and other posts you have sent to this site: you, your mother and your two sister’s are all drug addicted. Heroin and meth are BOTH serious drugs and equally harmful. Heroin is no better and no worse than methamphetamine.

Because you are all addicted, you each need to find your own path to sobriety. Until, you are completely sober and no longer using methamphetamine you are not in a position to help anyone else in your family. The same is true for your mother, until she is completely clean from her meth addiction she can’t help any of you.

My recommendation to you, is that you begin attending 12 step meetings today and LEARN as much as you can about yourself, your family, your Higher Power, and how to END the insanity that drugs and brought into your entire families life.

If you could stay sober and learn about true recovery from addiction your MIGHT be able to help the rest of your family to move from addiction into recovery.

It starts with YOU and if you can work ALL of the 12 steps and begin the process of truly living a a sober, happy, joyous and free life then and only then can you help the rest of your family.

Good Luck!


your right

by: Bethany Johnson

I do need a 12 step program, I do! I’ve honestly never been to one, I’ve been to rehab, but nothing that actually helped me, do u know any 12 step programs in Albuquerque New Mexico?

There are A LOT of 12 step meeting in your area

by: Debbie Wicker

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