Looking for treatment for my 16 year-old daughter?

by Sandy

I would like to know more about your program.

Locations and costs would be helpful.

I am looking for a facility for my daughter (16) ASAP.

Thank you.

Go Local First

by: Ned Wicker

The first step you can take to help your 16 year-old daughter is to take her to your family doctor and have her undergo a complete physical.

Your doctor will be a good source of referral for a treatment center that will meet her needs. You need to do some homework. We do not make those referrals and recommendations.

Call Al-Anon and get some help and support for yourself. They do an outstanding job. There are good in-patient and out-patient treatment centers all over the country, but it’s important for you to understand the program and exactly what your daughter needs. Professional help is essential. Make the call.

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