My sister is addicted to meth

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My sister is addicted to meth

by Cynthia

(Santa Maria, California)

My sister is addicted to meth, it is bad and it has our family wondering how we can help her. My mother & I would like to go to an Al Anon meetings or something like it to help us under stand all this.

Can you give me some addresses or phone numbers for Al Anon in our area I can contact, please?

I live in Santa Maria, California.

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Going to meetings is a good start to help your sister

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Cynthia,

Meth addiction is a horrible disease because, more than other drugs, meth effects the mental health of the addict. Meth can make a person become psychotic, which is why it is such a difficult drug to stop using. Meth takes over the personality of the addict and they simply MUST use.

But with all addictions, there is hope for your sister if she starts attending meetings daily and begins to work the 12 steps. The value of the 12 steps is that it will get her to connect with her higher power or God as she understands Him. Through that reconnection she will find a path away from the horrors of meth addiction.

When you say your sister’s addiction is bad, I can only imagine what she and you are experiencing. You and your mother need to start attend Al-anon meetings at least three times a week and you both MUST work the 12 steps. Once you are comfortable at your meetings then invite your sister to join you.

The more you and your mom understand and work the steps the more you will be able to help your sister to do the same.

I found a web page that lists many Al-anon meetings in your area:

Find meetings on this list and try different ones until you feel comfortable that you’re at meetings that suit you.

Good luck and I hope you can help your sister to end this awful disease that has control of her,


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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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