Need Help with Pot?

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Need Help with Pot?

by Lena

Need help to quit using pot, can’t seem to stop?

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You are not alone!

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Lena,

The first thing that anyone dealing with pot needs to know is that smoking marijuana is ADDICTIVE for some people. Just like many other drugs, some people will become addicted to pot while who use the same amount will not become addicted.

Any drug addiction is a disease of the brain and because each of us has a very unique brain we have different susceptibility to addiction. Some can use alcohol and not become an alcoholic while others cannot control their alcohol use no matter what they do.

Pot is the same way, some people can smoke pot recreationally and never become addicted while others begin to use marijuana and soon realize that they MUST use and that stopping is not an option. That lack of control is a critical component of addiction.

For some reason many people believe pot is harmless or even good for you. That’s a lie! Pot MAY have some medical benefits for people have chronic illnesses that are trying to manage sever pain. But even in those instances it is likely that they will develop an addiction to pot if their brain is predisposed to do so.

The fact that marijuana is addictive about 10% of the time means that if you need help with pot you need to get addiction treatment just as you would for any other drug addiction. Many people start by going to AA or NA meetings and learning about the 12 steps to recovery.

Take marijuana addiction seriously and treat it like any drug addiction. Get help and learn how to retrain your brain so that you can get control back.

Good Luck!

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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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