Opiate addiction?

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Opiate addiction?

by Harry


My son has a opiate addiction, he’s 31, 2 young kids, and a wife who has filed for divorce.

He moved in with me, 3 months ago I noticed slurring, he lost his job got in trouble for stealing jewelry. The court gave him 5 years probation and restitution/payback.

At what point is a intervention the right time? And who does the intervention?

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The time is now!

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Harry,

The time to do an intervention is now! Your son likely has a severe opiate addiction, which is a disease of the brain that is often fatal. He must to get into treatment ASAP and realize that if he doesn’t quit using he is likely to die from his addiction.

I know this sounds very harsh but sadly this is what the research and statistics about opiate addiction tell us. He will die either from a car accident, suicide or overdose.

Your son has a very critical condition and he needs help as quickly as you can get it for him. The problem is that opiate addiction attacks and changes the brain and his brain is convincing him that he MUST use. His reasoning has been short circuited and the only pleasure he receives is when he is using, nothing else matters…nothing.

An intervention is a great option and most addiction treatment centers have professional interventionist whose job is to help you get your son into treatment.

Call your doctor or local ER and ask for a referral to a top notch treatment center. Then go in and MEET with them and describe the dire nature of your son’s addiction. Ask to work with their interventionist and do what ever they say. Let the interventionist, who is a professional, drive the entire process.

Also, you should join Al-anon right away and get as much support as you can to understand how to help your son once he finishes his treatment and returns home. Relapse is a huge issue with opiate addiction and the more you understand it the more help you will be for your son.

Good Luck,


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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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