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Want to find support meetings?

by Brandy

My husband is addicted to pain medication after an injury. He is interested in finding out about local support meetings for himself and I am interested in meetings for family members of addicts.

I was not sure if Al-anon meetings were only for families of alcoholics and where we can find out about local meetings.

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Lots of good choices

by: Debbie Wicker

There are a lot of good choices for you and your husband. Your husband needs to go to AA or NA meetings. AA stands for Alcoholics Anonymous and will have meetings just for alcohol but also has meeting for substance abuse of any kind.

Narcotics Anonymous (NA) is specifically for drug addiction but there are fewer meetings and it may be harder to find.

It’s important that your husband try different meetings until he finds meetings where he feels comfortable and supported. He should try to go to meetings daily for at least 90 days so that he immerses himself in the 12 step process.

Also, he needs to find a good sponsor (male, and much further along in their recovery) and to really work the steps. Most doctors still believe that the 12 steps are a key part of learning how to recover from drug addiction.

Al-anon is an excellent resource for the family to learn about addiction and to also work through the 12 steps as a healing journey. The 12 steps will help everyone involved to understand their part in the current addiction and to discover ways for everyone to move past it.

To find an Al-anon meeting:

Search on Al-anon meetings with your city name

Another way to find meetings is to call your doctor or a local hospital. They can refer you to excellent meetings in the area that they have seen help people. They can also refer you to NA and AA meetings.

My preference is meetings that are help in churches. Many churches have both AA and Al-anon meetings and the setting is very helpful to support addiction recovery.

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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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