What is the percentage of teen narcotic abuse?

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What is the percentage of teen narcotic abuse?

What is the percentage of teen narcotic abuse?

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Hard to measure but a lot!

by: Debbie Wicker

It is very hard to measure drug abuse in any age group because all data is based on truthful self reporting. Many studies are done about drug use in teen.

NPR in California put it this way:

“By the time kids hit late adolescence, there’s a good chance they’ve dabbled in drinking and/or drugs.

That’s according to a new study appearing in the Archives of General Psychiatry, which looked at a representative 10,123 young people between the ages of 13 and 18. It found that 78 percent of U.S. teens had drank alcohol – and 47 percent said they’d had at least 12 drinks within the past year.

As far as drug use, 81 percent of teens had gotten the opportunity to use drugs, while about half of them (42.5 percent) actually tried them.

CBS News reports that researchers surveyed participants on their drinking and drug use habits and then compared those results with lifetime estimates of drug and alcohol use and abuse.

Per CBS, the researchers said that a person’s early use of a substance like drugs or alcohol is an indicator of how that person will use – and abuse – that substance throughout her or his life. Because of that, “the public health implications of the current findings are far-reaching,” they wrote.

The study also found that 15 percent of teens in the study already met the criteria for lifetime alcohol abuse, while 16 percent could already be classified as drug abusers. The study also noted that race might be a factor – whites and Latinos were more likely than other ethnic groups to abuse drug or alcohol in the teen years.”

It’s a bad problem that appears to be getting worse as our culture continues to lower it standards about what is and is not acceptable behavior.

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