Wife addicted to pills?

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Wife addicted to pills?

by Hector

My wife age 48 has been addicted to all kinds of medications and just recently she got arrested because someone in HAWAII sent her Meds in the mail. I have been going through a lot and i feel lost.

They have charged her with Narc with the intent to sell but I have proof that she is addicted and not selling. I feel lost with all my feelings and I need a friend?

Her background because of the addiction is:

Mother Just Died

Sister Died

Molested by her dad

Back Injury

Heart Problems

Her Doc has been prescribing her 750 Pills of Oxy

Help me Understand i feel lost!

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Take Charge

by: Ned Wicker

Dear Hector,

You have much to deal with and I hope I can be of some help in sorting this out with you. Your wife is trying to numb the pain. Whatever medical reason behind the prescription she receives is secondary to the emotional trauma that has taken place. So much has happened to her.

Obviously the pills her doctor prescribes are not enough, and they never will be. She needs to seek treatment, not only for the physical addiction to the medications, but for her trauma.

Has her doctor offered to be of any help during this time? Perhaps he can explain to the court that she has an addiction to pain medication. However, the purchase of narcotic drugs from somebody through the mail is not at all wise. Somebody in Hawaii?

On-line drug dealers are bad enough, but it sounds like she got a contact, somebody who would sell her drugs and mail them to her. I can see why the law enforcement officials charged her, even though she may never have had any intent to sell. Just the sheer volume of drugs being sent would send up a red flag.

The operative question I have is “What hurts?” What is driving all of this in your wife? She is numbing the pain in her life. She needs treatment, not incarceration. Therefore, everything you do must lead to her getting treatment for her addiction, emotional support and therapy for the damage that the trauma has caused.

I recommend a call to her doctor and explain what is going on. He/she will obviously not be prescribing all of this pain medication if she is abusing, and will alter the approach to any medical need she has, based on the addiction. Doctors will help, but they need to be told what is going on.

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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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