Do all people who use drugs become an addict?

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Do all people who use drugs become an addict?

Do all people who use drugs for a reaction become addict?

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We are each wonderfuly and uniquely made.

by: Debbie Wicker

We are each made wonderfully and uniquely by God. So each of us reacts UNIQUELY to each drug that we use or abuse. We also react differently to different combinations of drugs.

So because our brain reacts uniquely, we may be able to take a drug over a long period of time and never get addicted to it. Conversely we may take a different drug and become addicted to it right away. Some of use are prone to addiction to alcohol while others can drink and drink and never become an alcoholic.

Some people use cocaine every weekend for a while but can stop when they want to, while others use cocaine a few times and need more every day and get severely addicted to it.

Each of us is different and how we respond to a particular drug or combination of drugs is unique. But addiction is a disease of the brain that is OFTEN fatal so thinking that you can take drugs and not become addicted is a very foolish idea.

More often than not, when people start taking different drugs to get different reactions, i.e. one pill to sleep and another pill to wake up and a different pill for anxiety, they almost always get addicted.

Taking a pill for a specific reaction is dangerous and does often lead to addiction, because one of the pills being taken is something that the person is predisposed to get addicted to.

Hope this answers your question.

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– Matthew 7:7-8

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