Am I causing an addict husband to want to use?

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Am I causing an addict husband to want to use?

by Cella

(Rienzi, MS USA)

Should I leave if I am causing an addict husband to want to use? My husband is a meth and teak addict, and he says the way me and his step kids make him feel makes him want use… If I am what’s causing this should I leave?

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He will blame anything available accept himself for wanting to use.

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Cella,

Meth addiction is a disease that attacks the brain and changes us into different people. Blaming others for using is a VERY common way that we as addicts avoid responsibility for our own choices.

We are responsible when we use drugs inappropriately and blaming others or our circumstances doesn’t change anything. We are addicts and we use because we have a disease called drug addiction that forces us to use until we get the medical and psychological support necessary to quit.

Are you and the children the reason your husband is using? NO, he likely is simply justifying his own very bad behavior and avoiding his own accountability for that behavior.

I don’t know whether or not you should leave but I do recommend that you find an Al-anon meeting and start attending Al-anon at least twice a week. At the meetings work the 12 steps and, if you can, find a female sponsor who has helped their husband to end their addiction.

Going to Al-anon will help you to better understand your husband’s addiction and to make the right choices necessary to help you and your entire family move past this horrible disease of addiction.

Al-anon teaches us how to love our husband’s but, at the same time, to HATE their addiction.

Good luck,


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– Matthew 7:7-8

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