How to continue a marriage with a husband in a recovery period?

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How to continue a marriage with a husband in a recovery period?

by Tania


I am a newly married girl.. I knew before hand that he is addicted to Crystal meth but he was my love! He never agreed to treatment.

After our wedding in jan, I tried to stopped him but after 15 to 20 days he was unable to maintain and was having more of the drug.

I made him agree to go into treatment and sent him to a rehab..And its been 2 months now he is there.. I met him yesterday and he is getting better.

No symptoms, no cravings but I’m scared how I’m going to handle him after he gets out of rehab next month? Will our marriage also end?

I love him and can’t think of a single day without him.. help me how can I pursue a happy life in and after his recovery period.

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Addiction recovery takes a long time.

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Tania,

You’re correct to be very concerned about your husband once he finishes rehab. Many, many people relapse after rehab and begin using drugs again.

My recommendation is that you both IMMEDIATELY begin the 12 step program. Most drug rehab centers offer AA or NA 12 step programs as part of their treatment program. Make sure your husband is going to meetings every day while he is in treatment.

Also, you need to find meetings for both of you to go to once he comes back home. You can start going to Al-anon 12 step meeting right now, while he is in rehab, so that you’re familiar with the meetings and can take him with you when he gets back home.

If both of you attend meetings the minute he gets home his chances for staying in his recovery SIGNIFICANTLY increase.

If you’re both going to meetings and working the 12 steps together you should be able to help him to find a sponsor and the support he needs to not use.

Good luck,


The truth

by: JR

I’m a meth addict going into treatment (voluntarily) this week. Unless you’re husband went into treatment on his own accord and not because you compelled him. Unless he RIGHT NOW is at the stage where he is 100% not in denial about the fact that he is a hopeless and powerless addict without being in some type of treatment for the rest of his life, and last but not least, unless he admits to you that eventually, if he keeps using and his addiction degenerates, he will be capable of stealing from you, abusing or neglecting your children and adultery, then he isn’t ready.

Meth is the kind of drug where you have suffer a lot of loss before you stop and the loss doesn’t include you’re emotional well being. A meth addict at the depths of addiction loses the ability to empathize with their own spouse and children.

If you’re husband doesn’t realize that, if he continues, he will be no different than the homeless junkies sleeping and urinating in the street that he use to dismiss, then he isn’t ready and you need to leave now or be prepared for hell on earth. His condition likely will not degenerate to full blown addiction for a few years. Mine took three years. He will convince you that he has stopped and he will likely keep using periodically when you are not home and you will suspect that something is wrong, but because you love him and desperately don’t want to lose your family, you will see what you want to see and you will believe him.

All of this is guaranteed in your future unless he is ready and acknowledges everything that I said earlier about himself. Otherwise this link below will likely be what will occurs if you don’t get out now and chose to fight the addiction with him:

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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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