How to find a good rehab place for Heroin addiction?

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How to find a good rehab place for Heroin addiction?

by Veronica

(R. New Mexico)

My 22 year old son has been using heroin for 6 years. I am sure he has used other things too. He voluntarily went to rehab a year ago but only stayed 30 days. Within a month back he was back home, and he was using again. He has been using more and more ever since.

It got to the point that we told him we love him and were here to help him when he was ready to do something about it, but he could not live with us if he was using drugs. So he left home for about a month. Now he is back and says he is ready to do something.

I told him I would help finding a couple of places and I would give him the information so he could call and make arrangements.

There are so many is hard to pick one.

How do I find the best place for him?

Thank you,


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It is hard to choose the best one.

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Veronica,

I have a couple of suggestions for you that will hopefully help you to find the best rehab for your son.

First, please consider Teen Challenge. It is an Christian, onsite, one year program that has often had wonderful success and can offer everything he will need to get and stay sober.

Their number is New Mexico is 505-281-8467

As a second option I would go to your doctor and ask for a referral to a treatment center that they would recommend based on their understanding of your son’s case.

Each of us is uniquely and wonderfully made and therefore each of us is unique in how a heroin addiction effects us. As best you can, you and your doctor should try to assess your son’s addiction and any other mental or physical health issues he may be suffering from that need to be addresses along with his addiction. Once your understand everything your son is suffering from, ask your doctor to help refer your son to a treatment program to address all of his health and emotional needs.

Finally, I would recommend that you IMMEDIATELY begin attending Al-anon meetings and ask the people there where they would recommend that your son go for treatment. Going to Al-anon twice a week should help you to learn as much as you can about what your son is struggling with so that you can both work toward his recovery effectively. What you will learn at Al-anon is that treatment is just the first step towards your son’s return to a sober and productive life.

Hope this helps,

Debbie Wicker

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– Matthew 7:7-8

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