My meth addiction.

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My meth addiction.

I was 24 the first time I snorted a line of crank at a party. I’ve never taken anything that made me feel that good. It completely enhanced my personality and confidence. I felt like I could go outside and cut the grass with a set of toenail clippers and love every second of it.

I had no idea I had just entered a world that would imprison me and completely change me in ways I never thought possible. I had unknowingly entered the world of addiction. It was really a lot of fun for the first few months. It was easily accessible and I couldn’t get enough of it.

Before long I began to notice certain side effects of using crank. I had stayed awake for ten days strait a few times. During those sleepless moments my mind became flooded with perversion and all kinds of sexual immorality. Up until then I had never entertained the thought of gay sex. Suddenly, I was fantasizing about gay sex all the time. The more I used crank the more I fantasized.

I finally broke down and told my room mate about all these bizarre fantasies I was having. I didn’t take into account that he was also using crank just as much as I was. The next thing I know we were having sex.

It all came to a head when my girlfriend walked in on me with my room mate. She knew I had a serious problem, but seeing that was more than she could handle and she left me. I would have left me too. Instead of trying to talk to her and tell her I needed help I just continued to have sex with my roommate for a couple lines of crank.

Whoever I was prior to crank was long gone and he was never coming back. It wasn’t until I got busted with two 8 balls that I began the long hard road to recovery. It took two years to completely get sober and start my life over…I was one of the lucky ones…Despite who and what I had allowed crank to turn me into.

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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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