Can I get help with meth addiction and still continue to work?

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Can I get help with meth addiction and still continue to work?

(Honea Path, South Carolina )

I’m addicted to meth and have been for over 15 years. I’ve been able to keep a job, but have lost a couple of jobs because of meth. I can’t quit on my own because when I try I can’t get out of bed and this will cause me to loose my job. I really want to quit but don’t know how to do it. I just need some help with the withdrawal symptoms.


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Withdrawal for each of us is unique.

by: Debbie Wicker

I’m so glad that you’re trying to quit using meth and that you realize you need help to end your addiction. Because you’ve been addicted for a long time quitting will be challenging but not impossible.

Meth addiction is a disease of the brain and because each of us are unique, meth effects our brain’s uniquely. This means that all of us withdraw from meth differently, so what works for one person to manage withdrawal does not work for someone else.

I would recommend that you find a doctor that specializes in addiction and go to him/her on an outpatient basis. They should be able to give you some medications that will help you to better manage your withdrawal.

I would also HIGHLY recommend that you begin attending 12 step meetings, either AA or NA, three or four times a week.

I did some research and there is a meeting Monday’s at the town hall at 204 South Main Street at 7:00pm every week. This may be a good meeting for you to start with.

I HIGHLY recommend you start working the 12 steps because the steps will show you how to end your addiction once and for all. Also, the meetings are completely confidential, but you can also go to meetings around the area if you’re concerned about confidentiality.

There are many meetings in your area and you don’t have to do anything but listen at the meetings until you feel comfortable. Go to the meetings and begin working the steps and finding a sponsor who has been where you’re at.

Good Luck,


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– Matthew 7:7-8

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