Drug Addiction Theories

Drug Addiction Theories

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Drug Addiction Theories — What is Drug Addiction?

Drug addiction is a chronic disease affecting the brain, and just about everyone is different. Drugs affect different people in different ways.

One use can cause addiction in some!

One person can take and abuse drugs, yet never become addicted, while another merely has one experience and is immediately hooked. Drug addiction is characterized by a person having to use the drug(s) repeatedly, regardless of the damage it does to:

– Their health

– Their family

– Their career

– Their relationships with friends and the community

Addiction is not limited to drugs and alcohol. People can be addicted to many things, such as food, gambling, shopping, or most anything that gets in the way of a healthy lifestyle. When things get out of hand, and people behave compulsively, regardless of the consequences.

When the person is no longer in charge of their life, regardless of the triggering mechanism, they are addicted. The addiction can take over a person’s entire life. Nothing else matters.

Is there a cure?

The first question many people have Drug Addiction Theories is simply “Is there a cure?” The answer is, sadly, no, once you HAVE to use a drug you will always be addicted to it. There is currently no pill you can take to remove your cocaine addiction. In order to get a more complete understanding of why there is no cure, you first have to take a deeper look at addiction to learn how to live with it.

What’s the difference between Drug Abuse and Drug Addiction?

The next quest tion generally ask is how can I tell drug abuse from drug addiction. That’s a little more complicated:
Click here to learn the differences between drug abuse and drug addiction.

Drug addiction is a disease of the mind body and SPIRIT

Let’s establish one important point of understanding Drug Addiction Theories. We are body, mind and spirit, and because of that, drug addiction is as much a disease of the spirit as it is of the body and mind. Unlike other chronic diseases, like diabetes, asthma, or heart disease, the spiritual component of drug addiction will play a major role in a person’s recovery.

Types of Drug Addiction

When talking Drug Addiction Theories causes and factors leading to drug addiction, it is necessary to take a moment and look at the various types of drugs. As we mentioned before, these all have their own unique characteristics.

Opiates: Heroin and cocaine lead the list here.
Click here for more Drug Addiction Theories and Heroin

Cannabis Compounds: The most common drug in this category is marijuana, which produces a high for the user. Go to drug addiction causes marijuana
For more Drug Addiction Theories, Marijuana

Depressants: Alcohol is the most common depressant, as everything slows, as evidenced by the documented testing of people’s reflexes while driving a car under the influence.

Stimulants: Amphetamines come to mind quickly, but a more common stimulant is nicotine.
For more info about Crystal Meth Addiction click here
Crystal Meth

Hallucinogens: LSD was a popular drug in the 1960’s
To find out more about LSD click here

Designer Drugs: Ecstasy is popular with the rave set.
For more information Drug Addiction Theories and Ecstasy click here

Click here for more Drug Addiction Theories and Cocaine

Inhalants: Glue sniffing or the improper use of other common, store-bought chemicals for the purpose of getting high is an everyday occurrence.

For more information on Prescription Drug Addiction click here
Prescription Drugs

What Causes Drug Addiction?

There are several factors and causes to consider Drug Addiction Theories. First there is a genetic component, that is, what is passed on to you through your family.

– If your blood relatives had a predisposition to become addicted, chances are you have that same tendency.

– Personality contributes to drug addiction.

– Peer pressure is huge, both for teenagers and adults alike.

Drug addiction occurs when the pathways in the brain, the brain’s communication system, are altered by repeated use of a substance. Some of the brain’s nerve cells, called neurons, use chemicals called neurotransmitters, which are released into the gaps, called synapses, between nerve cells.

Take it to an extreme. There is normal brain chemistry activity, but when that activity is affected by the drug, the internal communication is altered, creating an otherwise abnormal affect.

If you were to abuse the pain medication by going way over the prescribed limit and frequency, because you need that drug, you are becoming addicted.

Addiction is a chronic condition, making the chances for relapse great. The drug takes over and the person loses control and will do anything to get the drug, regardless of the consequences.

What might have started as a decision to use the drug for a proper, medical purpose now becomes a spiraling, out-of-control experience for the user. Otherwise intelligent, rational people lose their ability to make good decisions.

The drug has taken over.

Drug Addiction causes permanent changes in brain chemistry

Because of the change in the brain’s chemistry and function, it’s very difficult for people who are addicted to stop using; that’s what is so difficult Drug Addiction Theories.

Treatment centers around the country have found that a combination of medications, along with behavioral therapy is the most effective way of helping the patient manage the disease.

Treatment centers will tailor-made a program to meet the needs of patients seeking help. We are body, mind and spirit. Medicine can effectively treat the body and the mind, but medicine alone does not treat the spirit.

Relapse is common

Are there going to be setbacks? Yes. Human beings make mistakes, but that doesn’t mean a person can’t get back on course.

People who relapse need to be reinstated to the program, to get back to sanity and allow therapists to make necessary adjustments to their meds, or seek help in making modifications to their lifestyle. Perhaps an alternative treatment is called for. Again, everyone is different, and so treatment programs must meet the needs of the individual. The more you understand Drug Addiction Theories the more you realize why it is so difficult to treat.

Are Drug Addiction Theories the Same?

No. Understand that Drug Addiction Theories are not the same, because not all people who take drugs become addicted.
The most commonly used drug is alcohol, and Drug Addiction Theories and Alcohol, like drug addiction, progresses in stages, as a person descends into drug or alcohol dependence, hits bottom, then ascends back up to good health. It’s a process.

Not everybody that uses drugs is on the path to becoming an addict. Some people can abuse drugs, but not become addicted, while others try drugs or alcohol once and are immediately hooked.

Alcoholics talk about the “click,” that experience of satisfaction when taking the first drink. Drug users experience a “high” or a kind of euphoria. In either case, they want to feel good, and the drugs make them feel good. But it gets out of hand.

What are the signs of drug abuse or drug addiction?

The symptoms vary. Perhaps it’s just trying something with friends at a party, or maybe a person hurts and they want to numb the pain.

It can start most any way, and some drugs are more addictive than others, but once the progression reaches the point where a person needs the drugs because of a physical dependence and compulsively works to get them, regardless of the impact on their friends and family, their job and their community, that person’s life is out of control.

Drug addition does not discriminate. It affects men and women of all ages; seniors, career-aged, young adults, teenagers and even children. The affects of drug and Drug Addiction Theories and Alcohol impact all of society.

Free from opiates!

by Janey

I was a morphine junkie for two years, and twelve days ago, quit my
Methadone. I was on Methadone for one year. After three years of my body
having to deal with opiates being in it at all times, I am free, and
feel so elated and joyous.

I want to share my success so others
will realize that although the margin is relatively small of those who
clean up, and stay cleaned up, it can happen. I feel confident that I
can face anything now, and want to reach out to the world so they know
that not every
addict is an emotionally damaged, virtually write off
member of society. Opiate addiction affects all walks of life, and can
happen to anyone.

Love to all those who are withdrawing, and love to those who are not but will be soon.

“Is there any drawer emptier than the one where you used to store your opium?”
– Leonard Cohen

It Can Be Done

by: Ned Wicker

Dear Janey,

You have been down a long and difficult
road, but it sounds like you are on firm footing now and enjoying life
again. I am glad you are off the methadone and have discovered that you
can live drug free and be happy again.

It is difficult to
get off opiates, but here you are, an example of a person who is willing
to face the facts and deal with them. People are often their own, worst
enemies when it comes to treatment and recovery.

They think
it’s too hard, or they don’t want to put in the effort, or they see no
point in it all and soon lose heart. It isn’t easy and many people fail
repeatedly before they finally get the monkey off their back. But keep
trying. It’s worth it.

You have a story to tell, so I am happy you shared it with us. Keep telling it.

and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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