Suicide is in my near future!!!

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Suicide is in my near future!!!

by Jerry

(Tulsa, Okla.)

My name is Jerry. I’m from Tulsa OK. I’ve been a drug addict for 33 years, I’m 43 now. I’ve tried to get clean but it’s real hard because I’m in a marriage of 18 years. I get verbally abused every day. Very negative attitude from my wife. That makes it very hard to get clean. Nothing I do is right!!

I can’t take it. I think suicide is in my near future because I’m not going into 2017 being treated like this!!!

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Please consider finding other support!

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Jerry,

Because you have posted here before, I feel I like a know you a little bit. I’m so very sorry that you’re experiencing such a negative time in your relationship with your wife. As counselor, I know how difficult this time of year is and often relationships can become VERY strained with unfair expectations. I’m also aware that you have tried to end your addiction but it keeps coming back, and that your marriage is difficult.

I will pray that you can find the comfort and support you need to figure out how to move forward in your life. Focusing on surrendering to your high power may help you to get the guidance and support that you’re seeking. You may also want to consider marriage support that some churches offer as a free service for couples.

Finding a network of positive support and encouragement during this challenging time may help you to work through this negative situation and find a path forward. At 43 you have time to rework your life to make it what you’d like it to be.

I found this great website “Tulsa Christian Counseling Directory” that lists a lot of resources that may help you:

It has a phone number for Suicide Support, which is:

Crisis Outreach Emergency Services


Community Outreach Psychiatric Emergency Services (COPES) is a telephone and mobile crisis service that responds around the clock to children and adults experiencing a severe emotional or behavioral disturbance or psychiatric emergency, including but not limited to the following:

– Threats of suicide
– Suicidal thoughts
– Self-injury
– Aggressive behavior
– Threats to harm others
– Depression
– Severe emotional upset or inability to care for daily needs
– Poor reality testing or thought disorder
– Overwhelming anxiety or panic attacks

Please consider calling this number for support.

Words do seem inadequate when you are suffering as much as you are, but please reach out for the local support you need, there is always hope!


Thank you Debbie!!!!

by: Jerry

Debbie I want to thank you. This is a very stressful time of year and for some reason it seems the depression has hit me harder this year, it seems that way. Thank you for your prayers
And for your caring heart. You have showed me that there are people who truly care about others and life doesn’t have to be all bad… Thanks a million Debbie please give yourself a big hug for me… More to come later….

You’re welcome!

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Jerry,

Thanks so much for your kind words, I hope that any encouragement that my words gave you will help you to find the support you need to begin to move forward in your life.

Depression is an awful illness and getting the care you need can make a huge difference in how you feel. I’m so glad that you seem to be willing to try:)

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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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