Food and Addiction Recovery

What are the best foods to help with recovery?

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by dhoon


What is your recommendation about drug addiction?

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Can I stop my son from becoming an Alcoholic?

I am the father of a 7 year old boy whose mother is an alcoholic but denies she has a problem.

Her father and brother all have dependency problem. It is a problem that goes back generations on her side of the family.

How do I prevent my son from becoming the next one to develop these problems?

I was never more than a casual drinker but have now stopped completely for the past year.

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Support for family members of recovering drug addicts?

My name is Terri, my son is in Bowling Green with a drug addiction and receiving help as an impatient.

His counselor suggests I join and group to help me help him and understand what to expect.

I live in Dover Delaware are there any groups to help support family members of recovering drug addicts?

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Please help me id these pills

Pills have RMV-40 and Amphet-X.

Please tell me what they are.

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Friend Trying To Stop

Hey… I’ve got a friend well he was my boyfriend before he started to do drugs …

He’s told me like 3 times I’m stopping …

I won’t smoke anymore …

I’m trough …

But he never stops and yesterday he told me he stopped …

Now I wanna support him but I don’t wanna like get my hopes up …

Maybe he didn’t even stop I don’t know what to think anymore …

A lot of people gave up on him but I can’t …

He says he started to smoke because of me (when I left him) and he was the anti-drug guy …


I want the old him back …

Is there still hope??

Is it really my fault am I the one to blame for all this??

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How can I support my son in his recovery?

My son is in the recovery process and has been clean for a year. He has pretty much hit bottom, was homeless for a while.

He also has been diagnosed with bipolar.

He lives on his own and supports himself.

As a father, what kind of support can I give him at this time?

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God and Addiction Recovery

I am wanting to read some classic & even modern books that specifically talk about & strong support the fact that God can deliver people from drug addiction.

Can you recommend some books that I can get?

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Angry About Sister’s Opiate Abuse?

Why am i so angry at my sibling about her opiate drug abuse?

She has admitted dependency and has sought help.

This has all happened within the last 48 hrs.

I was at first verbally supportive, to the point of convincing her to come clean, and now i am angry.

Did i mention to her that this is bigger than me, and now she needs me more
than i really want to help.

Although i am more than willing to help and assist with her children.

She is a single mom and lives with our dad.

We had a huge fight last nite, she says she feels betrayed.

What right do i have to be mad when she has already made that very difficult step?

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He doesn’t want help

by Angelica


My boyfriend using crystal and I don’t know what to do?

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Can accusing someone can have a negative effect on the former addict?

My boyfriend has been off drugs for about a year now. He’s only relapsed 1 or 2 times that I know of.

His mom and dad are constantly telling him we know your messing with something. We know your high just because he over slept. His mom is the worst for it.

Can you send me some information about how constantly accusing someone can have a negative effect on the former addict.

I understand that…. I’ve reacted to somethings with him in a way I shouldn’t but they just don’t get.

So once again can you please please sendl me some information!


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At war…

I live at home with my parents, and my younger brother. My brother has been a drug abuser since the age 14.

He is now turning 21.

Needless to say, my family has been dealing with his drug abuse/addiction for a long time. His drug of choice of Ketamine, however, he has been dabbling with much worse.

Last week he overdosed on heroin. It was his first time shooting.

My parents have a lackadaisical attitude toward his behavior. According to my mother “kids will be kids, and shit happens’.

My father’s only reaction is anger.

As for me, I’m all over the place. I’m beyond angry at my brother for hurting himself, and his family. I’m worried that he is going to end up dead. I’m angry at my parents for not doing something about it.

It’s not only his drug use that is worrisome, it’s all that goes along with it as well. Random people constantly come in and out of my house. Nothing is safe. Since he started using, I probably have had over 500$ stolen from me.

He doesn’t want help. There are no consequences to his actions, so why should their be a reason to stop?

My parents are not going to change their attitudes anytime soon. I’ve been told to just “move out”, but I’m a university student, I can’t afford to leave.

I don’t know what to do. I have nobody to talk to about this, and often try to hide the fact that my brother is an addict. I don’t let my friend’s in my home, and when I do, it’s only for a few seconds.

Whenever I try to talk to my mom about this, she makes me feel stupid for feeling angry, or worried, or upset.

Any thoughts?

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Does Baclofen work to reduce alcohol cravings?

I recently heard Dr. Olivier Ameisen speak on an NPR program about his use of Baclofen to treat his alcoholism.

I bought and read his book, Heal Thyself, and then found an online article you wrote about Baclofen.

My son is an alcoholic currently living in Exodus recovery house.

To date, none of the medications prescribed for him have had much effect on his depression or alcohol cravings. (Campral, and most of the SSRIs).

Recent evidence is showing that SSRIs are not much more effective than placebos, and many users claim that Campral is ineffective.

I feel that baclofen may offer some hope for him, however his Ozaukee County psychiatrist does/will not prescribe it.

Because of your involvement with Lawrence and familiarity with various treatments and physicians, I am hoping that you can provide us with the names of some psychiatrists/physicians in the Milwaukee/Ozaukee area who are more open-minded about new drug therapies.

My son and I do not believe that a pill is a cure, and he would not give up counseling and support (IOP and AA) for his disease, but this finding by Ameisen has given us both new hope.

Thank you.

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Children living with addict?

As the addicts behavior becomes more angry and negative particularly to the child’s mother in the home and he is home because of job loss caused by addiction should the child/children be told of the parents addiction or should the mother protect them from knowing

Thank you

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Sister Needs Addiction Help

I have a sister who i beleive is on all kinds of pills. and maybe other stuff not sure.. but she needs help.

she tells me there is no problem n she does not need help.

but she does she is always high and when she isnt high she is sick… please help me. so i can help
my sister before something happens to her…

do you guys have an intervention or something?

i know she is going to be mad at me but i love her and she needs help..

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How can I help my family?

My name is Sara. I need to see what I can do about trying to get my family some help.

I have a few members that are addicted to pills. I don’t no what else to do besides trying to get them some help?

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Daughter In Trouble

My daughter has been with a man for 2 years and he is now in jail because of drugs.

He is begging and blaming and trying to get money from her.

She needs a support group to help her stay away.

Is there a group in Lafayette Indiana?

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Struggling to stop using drugs?

My son lives with me, is struggling to stop…

I have let him be at home and allowed him to “hibernate”

I am uncomfortable with this now.

How do I encourage him to get out and create his life, and also I would like him to get a job.

How much do I “push” to start moving forward and not stagnate?

He does not like meetings and does not have a program.

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Endless Cycle of Drug Abuse?

I want this circle of uselessness to end. I am what you call a functioning addict/alcoholic.

I do not drink or do drugs at work but I find that everytime I get upset once a week; I drink which later leads to drug use.

I know you are going to say to get to a meeting but this is not for everyone. I have already done that type of treatment and inpatient rehabilitation; my problem is when I am not being monitered things change.

I want to stop all together and I am tired of being dissapointed in myself.

Are there any real people I could talk to online that could just guide me maybe……???????????

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